Aesthetic Empathy

Town: Sarajevo
Genre: metalcore / alternative
Status: active

Aesthetic Empathy spawned from the remains of a band named Kursk, founded in 2002. in Sarajevo. Couple years ago they've changed their name into Aesthetic Empathy due to line-up changes, when the remaining members of Kursk were joined by Branislav Kašćel (Beware, Novi Travnik) on guitar, and Mahir Bajrić (Bosniche Post, Sarajevo) on vocals.

front cover  of their upcoming album
They have recently finished their first album entitled "Definement". Album was recorded at Radio 202 in Sarajevo, and the mastering for it was done at MASTERvargas studio in New York. The promotional gig for the album was held at "Sloga" club (Sarajevo) on the 28th January 2010. The album contains 11 songs, 10 of their own and a cover of Pink Floyd's "High Hopes". Reviews and reception of their debut album have been very positive so far, and in many's opinion this is one of the best up-and-coming bands of this genre, in this part Europe.

On 1st April, 2011. the band played Sarajevo Metal Fest, and was also scheduled for a gig at UFO (Urban Fest Osijek) but was forced to cancel. They ranked third at Demofest in Banja Luka, and recieved a prize in stage equipment, worth 3.000 Euros. 

Aesthetic Empathy je nastao od benda Kursk koji je osnovan 2002. godine, a ima benda mijenjaju u Aesthetic Empathy prije par godina zbog promjena u postavi kada su se preostalim članovima nekadašnjeg Kurska pridružili Branislav Kašćel iz novotraničkog benda Beware na gitari i Mahir Bajrić iz sarajevskog reggae fusion benda Bosniche Post. Album Definement su izdali 2011. godine. Album je snimljen u Radio 202, a mastering je urađen u MASTERvargas studiju u New Yorku. Album su promovirali 28.01.2011. u klubu Sloga. Na albumu se nalazi 11 pjesama 10 autorskih i jedna obrada (High Hopes od Pink Floyda). Ocjene su pozitivne i prema mišljenju mnogih ovo je definitivno jedan od najperspektivnijih bendova ovog žanra u ovom dijelu Evrope (a i šire). Bend je učestvovao na Sarajevo Metal Festu 1. aprila 2011, na Summer Metal Festu u Sarajevu 2012. Takođe, trebali su učestvovati i na UFO-u (Urban Fest u Osijeku ali su morali otkazati nastup). Pored toga svirali su i u Novom Travniku, Mostaru itd. Osvojili su treće mjesto na Demofestu u Banja Luci (2011) što znači da su dobili binsku opremu u vrijednosti od 3.000.  €. Snimili su dva spota"Dualism" i "Deceptive Identity".
Line up / Postava:
Samir Džuzdanović - harsh/scream vocal, (Kursk)
Mahir Bajrić - clean vocal,
Branislav Kašćel - guitar, (BewarePolaroid Trip)
Saša Naprta - guitar, (Kursk)
Damir Opalka - bass, (Kursk)
Stefan Komljenović - drums. (Silent Kingdom, Kursk, Sonorus, Filling Silence)

Aesthetic Empathy live


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